Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Is the Shortage & Cost of Ammo a result of backdoor efforts at Gun Control by the Obama Adm?*?

Why is the U.S. Selling most of our Lead to China for their Ammunition instead of using it for our Ammo?*Is the Shortage %26amp; Cost of Ammo a result of backdoor efforts at Gun Control by the Obama Adm?*?
We are at the mercy of the commodities traders for the price of lead. The hedge funds are using their countless billions to buy and drive up prices the old law of supply and demand no longer rules. Then the ones who fear Obama and gun control. What has our President done in the area of gun control? Zilch.Obama is a defender of our Constitution just as some of us on this page,he also took an oath to protect and defend with our lives,my oath still stands,the Constitution stands,Obama still stands as our main protector and I will follow him and hunt and continue to have my many guns as long as the Republic stands and I see forever.We have all the lead we need that has nothing to do with the ammo shortage. Your thinking China has anything to do with an ammo shortage,you need to think that they don't start making ammo and take the jobs out of the USA as with so many other types of consumer goods.Is the Shortage %26amp; Cost of Ammo a result of backdoor efforts at Gun Control by the Obama Adm?*?
I think it's more fear of the Obama administration. People have been stockpiling, which caused the shortage. I would have to believe that most lead is privately owned, and controlled. Likely just China offering a better price for it right now.

For the ammo shortage I think mid-term elections will either eliminate it or make it much more severe depending on the attitudes of the next congress. If we put a few more pro second amendment people in Washington, he won't be able to do much if anything to restrict us further and the stockpiling and shortage will ease up. If we get stuck with a few more anti's in there, he'll get bold enough to possibly try something and everything will get bought up as it hits the shelves. Personally I think he'd wait until his second term if he somehow manages to get re-elected to tray anything since gun control is political suicide... they all remember the whooping they got the election after the Clinton AWB.
I actually worked in a N. Idaho silver mine to help pay for college,and grew up in the mining community-I have seen lead ore by the thousands of ton available, but the prices are so dependent on a near flat price/demand curve that it isn't worth mining as lead, and the EPA has so many restrictions in place for mining and smelting that few places in the US will even think about processing lead ever again. All you have to do is research the Bunker Hill Smelter and the largest EPA Super Fund site to figure it out.

And no, we don't ship lead to China at a rate to worry about---something with that density isn't a commodity that travels well and is way too expensive to ship.

We started having issues with ammo supply because of politics (2008 elections) and the cost of energy,borrowing and metals as the economy was going from boom to bust-most places had little money to hold excess materials,couldn't borrow the money to get them, and wouldn't pay the inflated prices to get more than bare minimums.Then everyone wanted ammo and there was nothing to ramp up with,no petrochemicals because oil was so expensive,no brass because copper was at all time high prices and even lead was selling high. Now that prices have settled and production has resources to use,plus more production available (new construction) the ammo is getting out.
To date, the ';backdoor efforts'; have consisted of trying to get the assault weapons ban renewed and that went nowhere after a group of newly elected conservative Democrats told the house and Senate leadership there was no chance of passage. The other legislation that was overhyped by the NRA and some talking heads was the Blair Holt bill (HR45) that was also introduced in the last session of Congress and went nowhere. HR45 was referred to committee and has no co-sponsors.

The Republicans aren't exactly trustworthy, either. George W. Bush also said he would sign a renewal of the assault weapons ban if it reached his desk. Mitt Romney was anti-gun until he ran for President, Rudy Giuliani is anti-gun, Michael Bloomberg is anti-gun, Arnold Schwarzenegger has supported the recent California restrictions. And don't forget the Bradys (you remember the Brady Act, right? National waiting periods? Background checks on all gun sales?) were conservative Republicans.

So the shortage of ammunition was really caused by hysteria fanned to a fever pitch by special interest groups and media. They kept the fires burning long after it was clear the Obama Administration had other priorities.

China actually produces more lead than the United States. It's second only to Australia. China is also the world's leading consumer of lead, but it's primarily for use in batteries for electric bikes. Why is the U.S. selling lead to the Chinese? Prices have gone up 80% in the last year and demand in the U.S. is declining. Even so, the U.S. isn't selling most of its lead to China, producers simply lowered production. I don't know of a single ammunition manufacturer that has encountered production problems because of a lead shortage.
The shortage of ammo is from the same cause that Armalite didn't get the contract to build the M-16. They designed it, the military liked it and said great give me 100,000 units tomorrow. You can't do that with 15 employees, so Colt built them. There are few military arsenals running so the military in late 2007 asked all ammo manufacturers to turn out all the 9mm and 7.62 ammo they could. Since they were running only one shift, output of all other calibers suffered. It took nearly a year before anyone realized there was a shortage and by that time even adding a second shift didn't do much good catching up. Last I read Remington is running 3 shifts to catch up and others may be as well. As long as there is a war somewhere, 9mm and 7.62 will occupy a lot of time to manufacture.
I don't think the obama admin. is responsible for it. I could be wrong but I don't think political suicide is something they want to commit.The conservatives have done nothing to relieve the fear most people have of the liberals and what is pro-ported to be just what they might do. The fear is genuine due to the likes of Nancy Pelosie (hope I spelled her name wrong) and other liberal nut jobs. It doesn't just stop there though. I am beginning to think some in the industry may have hyped it up some to improve their bottom line. And of course some far right waco's keep the fear going just to tweek liberal nut jobs and promote their side as the only real choice for your sport. It's mostly beyond all understanding just how gullible we can be. sad to say it but that's how I see it. You can call me names and say all kinds of bad things but until I hear from both sides the voice of reason I'll have a real problem believing either.
There is also the increased demand of war time production. Not to be left out is the near panic increase of civilian demand for ammunition. Where, once, civilians were contend to have @ 100 (2 boxes) of hand gun ammo? Now demand is more like 1000 rounds per caliber. Example, day before Thanksgiving, the near by Cabelas was fully stocked of .380, 9mm and 32, 38's. Friday there was only a couple of boxes of premium ammo in these calibers be had.

So, yes, there are backdoor lead sales and regulatory/tax efforts to be had. These are more pointed to raise the price beyond reach of ';bubba';. However, we civilains have contributed to it. By incresing demand on our end.

But, as far as any sales to China? They own us. So, what ever they want to buy for hard cash? We sell them. BTW. That's the real reason for the health care bill and cap-trade taxes in carbon. They've warned us to make visible efforts to pay back that 12 trillion politicos spent on increasing Washington's power. We're bankrupt. Period. end of story.
Don't be fooled into thinking that either the Democrats or the Republicans are the cause of any single problem that we face today. They are equally at fault. If you can suggest that Obama is to blame for our problems, it implies that Bush would not be. That is ludicrus. Bush will probaly go down in history as the president that harmed US consumers more than any other by allowing the mortgage rules to be changed that caused the collapse of our ecnomy.

Commodity prices supposedly rise and fall based on supply and demand. In the case of oil, it is obviously manipulated by the level of production by oil producing countries. Manipulation of other products and supplies is common. Diamonds are filtered into the economy in limited numbers in order to help retain the value of those for sale. These examples are proof of price manipulation.

The biggest indicator may simply be the disparity of income between the wealthiest Americans and the middle class. The number of millionares and the volume of money that they control is increasing every year. The income of the middle class continues to decrease at about he same rate. This is a direct result of the legislation passed by our elected officials.

I can undestand some of the increase in the prices of ammunition. The cost of lead has increased over 100% in the last year or so. Ammunition supplies have probably been affected by the strong demands for it's use by the military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ammunition manufacturers have been making a killing (pun intended) on these wars. They also benefit from the fear created in the general public by that idiot Rush Limbaugh and others. Ammunition hoarding has become commonplace.

If we ever want to get back to a true representative government that looks out for the interests of it's citizens, we must vote out all incumbents and bring in new people.

We must collect funds from and limit spending by each candidate. We must make it a crime for elected officials to accept money from business interests. Since there is so much money being spent by lobbyists, they can afford to be taxed more. Put that money in a pool to be shared equally by those running for office. When funding is divided equally between them they will have to win based on their message, not their money. Educate yourself. Read what Thomas Jefferson had to say about politics in America. Don't listen to entertainers that claim to be politically astute like Hannity and others. Fox news should be held liable for their reporting of lies, as has been proven many times.
Gun lovin right winger here, but I have to say: Absolutely not.

The shortage and cost of ammo has occured before he went into office... He's a democrat and he got elected... History has taught us that democrats are RARELY our allies in the fight for our right to bear arms... So we stockpile like crazy... That happens EVERY election (even if not as dramatic this time).

Obama has claimed time and time again to infringe on our right to bear arms... Luckily he hasn't done so outright (Thanks)... But his claims still stand. If a Federal AWB strikes us (as Obama said he would strive to achieve), the ammo stockpilers we're laughin at right now are gonna be ready.

But I suspect Obama is a researcher... He doesn't immediatly jump on a bandwagon with other liberals to infringe on our rights just for the sake of infringing on them... And hence we can carry in national parks.
The ammo shortage is due to a couple of things and I am not sure which is having the greatest effect. First, all of the amunition manufacturers are going ';balls to the wall'; to keep up with the government ammo demand. Secondly, there is an ongoing panic among hunters and shooters based on the belief that Obama will turn his atention to gun control as soon as he has screwed us with his socialistic health care plan.

Sending lead to China is nothing more than a financial decision. China is simply willing and able to pay more for lead than U.S. sources.
he is trying to give China lead poisoning slowly lol

all i know is it is getting hard to find Ammunition in california and when you can it cost too much to shoot my glock 23 i had to buy a 22 just so i can go to the range as much as i like to go like 3 times a week
Conspiracy by all that you listed and more that we choose to deny.
I wouldn't put anything past this retarded ******!
Ammo shortages are highly unethical.

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