Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is strategic cost control?

Budgetary control should be looked at like a check book - if the account is empty you can't spend

strategic is longer reaching, overall a bigger picture; tactical is more immediate (almost short term) and with amore precise target.

The advantages are easy - strategic planning for budgets allows you to stay out of trouble and be fiscally sound (perhaps).

to understand the disadvantage look at 'systems driven' models - resources can best be directed by those doing, not those planning.

any good strategic plan allows for movement within budgets to maintain the bottom-line.

so the disadvantage is simply that managers cannot alter strategic budgets. budgets made at the high level often miss what is obvious at the 5 foot level.

in example: cap ex may need to be increased for new production runs predicted in the next cycle, or new for market changes, etc.

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