do not say what pest you wish to control. There are small individual
devices for insects, others for rodents, others for cats etc. at varying
prices. Some are battery-operated, others electric, others re-chargeable.
As I understand, from another question you have posted about ants,
that you do not want to use chemical methods, I would like to
suggest that natural, eco-friendly methods are available, and most
effective, while being economical.
Just add the details of the pest you wish to be rid of under your question and I would be happy to suggest suitable solutions. Other
Posters probably can help too.
(An example of the ineffectiveness of some of these electronic devices
was the unhappy morning of my son-in-law. He had purchased a
machine to deter cats from using his nice, white garden cushions.
Unfortunately, he found two cats sharing the machine as a bed.)How much dose a electronic pests control cost??
Thankyou again, too. You did not say what your pest was?
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How much dose a electronic pests control cost??
Pest controls are around $25, but it's mostly a scam, they work within a radius of perhaps 6 feet, beyond that the pests live happily ever after.
I bought Riddex for about 20 dollars...but it didn't work very well. I would even find spiders sitting right next to it.
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