Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is the strongest birth control pilland how much does it cost?

My friend has sex with his girlfriend without a condom all the time because he says his girlfriend has this high costing birth control pills thats like 100% effective...what is the pill (he couldn't remember) and how much would it cost to get ?What is the strongest birth control pilland how much does it cost?
NO birth control method on the market today is 100% effective. How much it costs depends on where it is purchased, what sort of insurance plan the purchaser has etc. But the only 100% effective form of birth control is NO SEX. Birth control doesn't protect against STDS, HIV or HPV either.What is the strongest birth control pilland how much does it cost?
It doesn't matter. There is no such thing as a form of birth control that alone or in combination with any other form or forms of birth control is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.

But condoms are about far more than preventing pregnancy. Condoms are about saving lives. Your friend and his girlfriend are being idiots.

If your friend has that little knowledge of safer sex, conception, contraception, disease control, female hormonal cycles, etc., then he shouldn't be having sex. Not until he greatly increases both his knowledge base and his level of common sense.
an I.U.D is safe and very effective. it costs 400 dollars for a 2 minute procedure, natural, no hormones, pills, side effects~ and it works 99% of the time for up to 10 years. It rocks!!!
First off there is no pill that is 100% effective. The best pill would at best be 98-99% effective. All of the pills are made of the same hormones just different amounts. The only 100% full proof protection is abstinence. I was on the pill and it worked good. The shot works good too. The patch is also a good birth control. I have been on the patch for 2 yrs. and I haven't been pregnant. The only other form of birth control that has a high effective rate is an IUD and those are pretty expensive unless you have good insurance, but it is a one time thing that last 5-10 years.
Use an orange tic tac. They contain high levels of prolactin
all birth control pills have the same effectiveness, and its no more than 99% but thats pretty good, im not sure how much they cost where you are. you do need to see a doctor first in most countries though. however they will not stop you from getting an std, so condoms are still a good idea.
There is NO 100% effective pill. They are all like 99.9%. Just ask my fetus (I was on the pill for 2 months and got pregnant, after years of unproteted sex...what are the odds?). But the only thing that's 100% is having your uterus removed or abstinence. So hate to burst your (and his) bubble, but there is not such thing as 100% birth control. The closest thing right now is an interuterine device called Mirena, which is $535.80 and it lasts for five years...the catch is that you have to have had a kid before. Here's a helpful chart.


Mirena 99.9%

Surgery (female, male) 99.5 - 99.85%

Hormones (Pill, shot) 92.0 - 97.0%

Copper intrauterine devices (IUDs) 98.0 - 99.2%

Barrier methods (condom, diaphragm, sponge, cervical cap) 60.0 - 86.0%

Natural methods (withdrawal, natural family planning) 75.0 - 81.0%

No Method 15%

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